deKay's Lofi Gaming

Top 10 Mega Drive Games

Of every games console or computer I’ve ever owned, the Sega Mega Drive is probably my favourite. It was my first console, and the one I own most games for. It also saw me through most of university, despite the N64, Saturn and PS1 all having just come out – I obviously didn’t have any money to buy them. It wasn’t until the end of 1999 that I bought something newer, meaning I’d had a full 8 years of Megadriving. …

Assorted 360 Demos (360)

Yes, time again to catch up on some demos that I’ve downloaded recently… Cyberball 2072Rubbish. Hated it on the Megadrive, and although this is a conversion of the superior arcade original, it’s still rubbish. American Football games are all crap, and this one adds crap robots to double how crap it is. Amazing. Fatal Fury SpecialHmm. It’s not awful, but with Street Fighter II and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 already available on XBLA, it isn’t really wanted. The Fatal Fury …